The definition of a feature wall has quietly changed over the past few years. From starting out as a simple bold wall paint to transitioning into fun wallpapers and then morphing into elaborate wall murals. However, this new trend of sketch style feature walls are my absolute favourite! The artistic, softness of these new style of murals make them an easy addition into your home. As they don’t compete for attention, instead, creating a beautiful and calming addition to the room.
Being in tones of black, white and shades of grey they make for an easy room to dress. You can either go bold with colour or pair it back with more muted natural or pastel tones. You really can’t go to wrong with complimentary colours (unless you go monochromatic black and white which I wouldn’t recommend). The sketch style works perfectly in both contemporary and character style homes.
While I love the one I came across on Pinterest (Above) (admittedly the entire room is to die for!) my personal fav and the one I want to put in my home is our new Kenya wallpaper featured below.
If you’d love to see this in your space take advantage of our design mockup service and let our talented designer digitally place the wallpaper into your home.

Featured above: Top Pinterest sourced wall paper. Middle Pinterest sourced image
and bottom Kenya Wallpaper Miss Lolo.
Stylists tip: Keep your trims and other walls neutral to really allow the subtle beauty of the sketch style wall to really be the hero.